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The secret Jaffa: the Noga neighborhood and the American colony

On this tour, we will visit two nearby neighborhoods that have undergone a transformation in recent years from areas of garages and crumbling buildings to sought-after real estate pearls: the Noga neighborhood and the American Colony on the Jaffa-Tel Aviv border.

The Noga neighborhood was established in the 1930s and includes buildings with a unique modern style, a variety of small boutiques and studios of artists and designers.

The American-German colony, on the other hand, was founded in the middle of the 19th century by Christian American settlers and feels like a small, pastoral village with houses with tiled roofs and a small, picturesque church. 

During the tour we will wander the magical streets of the 2 neighborhoods and get to know the artists who make the area what it is: we will visit a design studio and concept stores that will tell us about their design doctrine and the challenges of running a small and unique business in a competitive world.

Length of the tour: about 3 hours 

Neve Tzedek Tour: Service
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